Legal Notices

The website is ECOBULLES companies property

1, rue Marie Louise Burgert
51100 Reims

RCS REIMS 509 276 325
Legal form: SAS

Telephone : +33 3 26 03 74 93 (cost of a local call)

Publishing director: Mr Baudart
Web hosting: AXESYS

This website is optimized to be run on browsers’ most recent versions


The ECOBULLES website is an intellectual work protected by the legislation in force.

Copyrights of this website are reserved. Particularly, the reproduction of this website’s graphic elements, the downloading of full website for recording and medium broadcasting purposes, as well as the use of the website’s visual and texts other than personal use, are private and prohibited without auhorization. Rights related to the illustrations and pictures of this website are ECOBULLES’s property (unless otherwise specified).

Photos credits: ECOBULLES

Website conception

This website has been conceived for ECOBULLES and maintained by Agence Pulsi – digital communication and website creation agency in Reims

Important notice

The information published is regularly verified. ECOBULLES is not responsible in case of errors or omissions. Information published in the file of the associations is under the associations’ responsibility.
To report a mistake or a to ask for the adjustment of information, do not hesitate to contact the webmaster by phone or by filling in the contact form.

The technical information present on this website are only informative and may evolve according to legal modifications.
ECOBULLES may not be held responsible for the interpretation that you could possibly make from the website’s information. It belongs to the website’s user to do what it takes to protect their own data and softwares from potential Internet virus contamination. In a general way, ECOBULLES is not responsible for potential damages that would occur during the visit of this website.
In the culture of the Internet, links to other websites are given for reference only and ECOBULLES may not be rendered liable for the their contents and conditions for access. On the contrary, any person (physical or legal) whishing to create one or several links to one or several pages of this website must inform the website’s webmaster.

However, are authorized, without specific prior approval:

  • Quotations, respecting the moral right of the author by mentioning their name and the name of the source. Quotations are necessarily short, this is what makes their value in their original source as well as in the release in which they are used. Quotations illustrate a point and shall not compete with the issue in which they are released. Using multiple quotations, leading to an anthology, is seen as derivative work and must have the prior approval from the author or the right holder.
  • The creation of a link, only if this link opens a new browser’s window and if the targeted page is not embedded in other pages, particularly through frames, belonging to the site requiring that this or these pages appear as a full page under the URL

In the other cases, and particularly:


  • If you want to use the ECOBULLES logo;
  • If the
  • website’s content
  • must be integrated in your website navigation, particularly through frames;
  • If the access to the pages containing the link to is not free;

You shall ask for the express authorization from ECOBULLES by filling in the contact form or by writing at:

25, rue des Compagnons
51350 Cormontreuil

ECOBULLES is not responsible for links created by other websites to their own websites. The existence of such links does not imply that ECOBULLES authorizes these websites nor that it approves their content.

In order to preserve the identity and the integrity of its website, ECOBULLES reserves the right to forbid links that would not respect the purpose of said website, or that could harm ECOBULLES’ image. ECOBULLES can not be held responsible for content (editorials, illustrations…) of sites to which these sites lead to.


Reference laws :


  • Law 78-17 January 6, 1978: Data files and individual liberties
  • Law July 29, 1881: Law on freedom of the press
  • Law 2000-719 August 1, 2000: Extract of the law on the liability of technical providers